No More Interoperability Issues with eSIMs and Profiles
Verfasser: comprion on Tuesday, 19 February 2019COMPRION has launched a unique and independent test service. It helps eUICC manufacturers and MNOs by testing real eSIMs and profiles against each other, thus detecting and resolving compatibility issues in time.
What's the Problem?
„As more and more smartphones and smartwatches with eSIMs are coming to the market, we are frequently contacted by network providers who have problems integrating the devices into the network“, explains Dr. Frank 0berhokamp, Business Development Manager with COMPRION. “The problems occur mostly if eSIM and profile are not from one and the same manufacturer.“
Theoretically, one should think that profiles and eSIMs that conform to the specifications work together without any problem. However, the real world is much more complex. “Different interpretations on part of the developers and MNO-specific business cases that cannot be covered 100% by any specification lead to actual interoperability issues“, so Oberhokamp.
The Solution: Independent Testing Service