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Global Face Microalgae Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 4.6% CAGR During 2017 – 2026

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According to a recent Persistence Market Research report, the global microalgae market is set to record an average expansion between the forecast period 2017 and 2026. Over US$ 75 Mn revenues are estimated to be procured from sales of microalgae across the globe.
Future Prospects of Microalgae to Remain Positive with its Robust Adoption in Agri-food
Main products obtained from microalgae, dried algae in particular, are nutrient-rich and engulf high-value compounds that include pigments, fatty acids, and anti-oxidants. Economic opportunities for nutrients derived from microalgae have been deemed to be comparatively smaller than those derived from other commodity crops. However, future prospects of microalgae-derived nutrients are anticipated to be positive, provided with scientific & technological developments coupled with robust adoption of microalgae in the global market for agri-food. On the other hand, challenges such as complex regulations pertaining to incorporation of microalgae in food, low consumer awareness, and climatic conditions are likely to constrain adoption of microalgae in the foreseeable future.

Global Face Mask Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 6.4% CAGR During 2017 – 2026

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According to a new Persistence Market Research report, the global market for face mask will reflect an impressive growth during the forecast period (2017-2026). Worldwide sales of face masks are poised to bring in nearly US$ 10,500 Mn revenues by 2026-end.
Celebrity Endorsements fuelling Adoption of Face Masks
Once deemed as the domain of the young, face mask have been gaining popularity among the older population since the recent past. With surging adoption of face masks, an enormous opportunity exists for companies to make product innovations using novel ingredients and formulas. The male population has also been gaining a major share of the face masks market worldwide, apart from female population. Although some studies deem face masks to only be good for hydration purpose, several variations in face masks claim different outcomes including prevention of acne, hiding fine lines, and lifting. The global market for face mask is being primarily influenced by surging demand for products having excellent anti-ageing properties. This has further impacted buying patterns of consumers. Face masks have become a new trend gaining popularity in the cosmetics sector, partly driven by endorsements from celebrities who post their selfies on social media platforms wearing a face mask. This trend prevails under the name “face sheet masks selfies”. - ein Portal für alle Yachten

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Mitteilung: - ein Portal für alle Yachten
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IFCO spendet weltweit umweltfreundliche RPCs

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IFCO spendet weltweit umweltfreundliche RPCs

PULLACH, 11. Dezember 2018: Seit dem Beginn seiner Initiative zur Unterstützung von Lebensmitteltafeln im Jahr 2009 hat IFCO SYSTEMS, der weltweit führende Anbieter von Mehrwegverpackungslösungen, mehr als 280.000 RPCs (Reusable Plastic Container) an Lebensmitteltafeln gespendet. Darüber hinaus unterstützt das Unternehmen die Lebensmitteltafeln durch das ehrenamtliche Engagement der IFCO-Mitarbeiter und durch die Mitfinanzierung von Kühlfahrzeugen.

Digitalisierung - das Job-Grab der Zukunft?

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Digitalisierung - das Job-Grab der Zukunft?

Das Thema Digitalisierung ist aus unserem (Arbeits-) Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Privat ist es schon lange normal geworden, fast alles mit dem Smartphone erledigen zu können. Von Einkäufen über Banking bis zu Versicherungsangelegenheiten, für alles gibt es mittlerweile eine App. Aber auch beruflich werden wir flexibler - Arbeiten von unterwegs oder im Home Office sind keine Seltenheit mehr. Auch in der Produktion oder Montage können durch Digitalisierung Arbeitsschritte vereinfacht werden. Doch einige Studien warnen vor großen Verlusten von Arbeitsplätzen in den nächsten Jahren ausgelöst durch die Digitalisierung. Wird es wirklich hohe Jobverluste geben oder sind die Ängste unbegründet? Was sagen die Mitarbeiter in Unternehmen zu der Thematik? Wie nehmen sie die Digitalisierung wahr und fürchten sie um ihre Arbeitsplätze? Eine kurze Umfrage der Braingain Consulting GmbH gibt Aufschluss darüber.

Mehr als jeder zehnte Job gefährdet?

Rotary Pumps Market will Surpass US$ 4.4 Billion in 2018, Wide-ranging Industrial Applications to Spur Growth

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Fact.MR’s latest study on rotary pumps market projects bullish growth for rotary pumps market. The study finds a significant rise in adoption of rotary pumps in a wide range of industrial sectors including oil & gas, water & wastewater, mining, and power generation. On account of widening applications, the rotary pumps market is likely to witness 3.3% in 2018 to exceed US$ 4.4 billion.

The study uncovers the most important factors that may influence growth prospects of the rotary pumps market in short- and long-term. Key micro and macroeconomic parameters elucidated in the report include

Skin Toner Market to Undertake Strapping Growth During 2020

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Skin toners remove the grease, dirt, oil and makeup collected in the pores of the skin by interacting with the moisture barrier in the skin’s surface and altering the skin’s pH levels. It also helps in skin refreshments, preparation and conditioning, reduction in irritation and inflammation, hydration, controlling access oil and anti aging nourishment. It can be applied on face as a cream, cleanser, or as part of a lotion. Toner usually comes in liquid form, even though some toners are formulated as gels or mists also. A toner can be applied on its own or as a part of skin care routine as a step in between washing the face and applying facial moisturizers.

 A sample of this report is available upon request @

Global Foodservice Packaging Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 5.3% CAGR During 2017 – 2025

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Persistence Market Research (PMR) has published a new research report titled “FoodService Packaging Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2017 – 2025.” The report states that food service packaging is expected to witness an increment in it demand owing to the growing number of fast food chains across the globe and the inclination of consumers towards quick food services. An upsurge in the overall consumption of products across the globe has factored the price hikes on packaged goods. Diversity in demand for packaging solutions comes to play a key role for classifying the products on the basis of their function in protecting the goods and their appearance-enhancing attributes. The global packaging industry remains at the cusp of miscellany with a wide range of packaging formats congregated across multiple applications. Owing to this, the global food service packaging market is expected to witness a CAGR of 5.3% over the course of the forecast period.
Concern over Hygiene and Consumer Convenience to be Core Driving Factors Influencing Market Growth

Global Buckwheat Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 3.4% CAGR During 2017-2027

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Understanding several aspects of the global buckwheat market, Persistence Market Research presents a well-structured analysis of various trends, opportunities, challenges, restraints and growth drivers influencing the global market in its latest insightful research publication titled “Buckwheat Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012-2016) and Forecast (2017-2027).” The exhaustive research study on buckwheat market also includes competitive assessment which can be used to achieve strategic advantage over the competition in the long run. A detailed market segmentation helps evaluate the value and volume projections of all segments for a period of 10 years from 2017 to 2027.
Several Aspects to Influence the Growth of the Global Market
