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Global Dark Chocolate Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 8.5% CAGR During 2017-2026

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The global dark chocolate market is projected to grow at 8.5% CAGR during the assessment period 2017-2026, and reach a valuation of over US$ 84 billion by 2026-end. Europe will continue to be the largest market for dark chocolate, with North America following suit on account of steady demand from the US. These insights are according to a new research study published by Persistence Market Research.
According to the report, positive perception among consumers about the health benefits of dark chocolates will continue to drive demand. Dark chocolates are considered as rich sources of antioxidants, and rising consumer awareness on the health benefits of antioxidants is contributing to the growth in demand. Sensing the influencing factors that drive consumer behavior, manufacturers are focusing on incorporating organic and clean label ingredients in their offerings. According to the report, adoption of natural ingredients, especially sweeteners such as stevia and coconut sugar will witness an increase during the assessment period.
Conventional Dark Chocolate Continues to Outsell Organic Variants

Global Lactase Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 3.7% CAGR During 2017-2025

Kategorie der Pressemeldung: 

Persistence Market Research (PMR) has published a research report titled “Lactase Market: Global Industry Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2025.” The report states that the global market for lactase is expected to be impacted by the growing application of lactase enzyme and its various benefits. The increasing awareness among people is further expected to bode well for the growth of the market in the coming years. According to PMR, the global lactase market is expected to witness a CAGR of 3.7% from 2017 to 2025. The market was valued at around US$ 1,235 Mn in 2017 and is expected to rise to over US$ 1,647 Mn by the end of 2025.
Growing Consumption of Dairy Supplements to Augur Well for the Market
Lactaid that contains lactase is a very prominent dietary supplement that is used in the form of a pill by people who are lactose intolerant. Presently, the consumption of dairy food is extremely high and people worry about getting extra calcium in their diet from dairy products. The idea of this supplement is to take it before meals as it contains lactose. Producers state that these supplements or pills contain lactase enzymes and thus have an excellent safety profile. They are safe for intake as a part of the meal or snack at any time of the day. As a result, the penetration of dietary supplements containing lactase is growing, thereby leading to the increasing demand for lactase enzymes in the dietary supplements market.

DORNBACH FORUM 2018 im Saarbrücker Schloss

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DORNBACH FORUM 2018 im Saarbrücker Schloss

Über 100 Teilnehmer aus der saarländischen Wirtschaft besuchten neben Vertretern der Hochschulen das diesjährige Dornbach Forum im Festsaal des Schlosses. Physiker und Zauberer Thomas Fraps veranschaulichte dem Publikum unterhaltsam die Tricks unseres Gehirns. Zuvor vermittelten die Partner von Dornbach Saarbrücken kurz und prägnant zum Jahreswechsel Aktuelles aus dem Steuerrecht.

Wie in jedem Jahr lud die Steuerrechts- und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Dornbach in Saarbrücken zu ihrem Forum, um über wesentliche Veränderungen und Neuerungen im nationalen und internationalen Steuerrecht zu informieren. Patrick Harz und Prof. Dr. Schäfer gaben dabei fundierte und gleichzeitig unterhaltsame Einblicke sowohl in gesetzliche Neuregelungen, aber auch in die aktuelle Rechtsprechung. Der Abend, der mit dem traditionellen Buffetdinner im Festsaal endete, glänzte zuvor mit dem magischen Auftritt von Thomas Fraps.

Einfache Steuerung in der Blechbearbeitung

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Einfache Steuerung in der Blechbearbeitung
Die Steuerung der Hezinger CNC-gesteuerten Abkantpresse: intuitives Arbeiten bei höchster Präzision.

Maschinen zum Schneiden, Kanten und Runden von Blechen sind wahre Kraftpakete, müssen aber ihre Power auch im Milli- und Mikrometer-Bereich unter Kontrolle halten. Daher nutzen die Maschinen der Hezinger Maschinen GmbH modernste Steuerungen, die den Anwender mit Hilfe intuitiver wie auch innovativer Features unterstützen.

Global Skid Steer Loader Market to Register Stellar Compound Annual Growth Rate Through 2025

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Skid Steer Loader Market: Introduction

Skid steer loaders are earthmoving equipment utilized for numerous tasks, such as loading and unloading of construction material, in the construction industry. A skid steer loader is a rigid framed, small or compact machine with lift arms. It is powered from a battery or an engine, however most skid steer loaders are engine powered, owing to the need for higher efficiency. The tool fitted with the arms is changeable as per the desired work. The ability of skid steer loaders to support attachments makes them versatile in nature. They are highly maneuverable, owing to their compact size and easy functionality.

Skid Steer Loader Market: Dynamics

Global Berries Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 5.1% CAGR During 2017-2027

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Berry is a fruit liked by a majority of people worldwide. There are a variety of berries available to people in the global market such as gooseberries, cranberries, strawberries, and blueberries. A new research report by Persistence Market Research indicates that the global berries market is witnessing a robust growth in demand currently. This comprehensive research report is titled ‘Berries Market: Global Industry Analysis 2012-2016 and Opportunity Assessment 2017-2027’. It depicts an overview of the global berries market scenario along with the factors that are affecting its growth. Information like the leading berry type, nature of berry and the regions that are witnessing highest demand for berries, serves as a vital piece of information for the key players looking for opportunities to grow in the business and flourish.

Global Cheese Snacks Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 5.2% CAGR During 2017 – 2025

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With the changing lifestyles across the globe, the food habits of people are also changing. The onset of sedentary as well as hectic lifestyle has changed the way people consumer food. The food preferences have been altered, thus inclining consumers towards easy to eat and serve food and snacks. One of the most loved food item is cheese snack. Cheese snacks are consumed across the globe considering cheese being a fulfilling food item and is consumed at short snack time periods. Altering taste preferences and growing westernization are also responsible for the rising intake of cheese snacks across the globe. As a result, the global cheese snacks market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2017 to 2025. Insights like these have been presented in a new report by Persistence Market Research titled “Cheese Snacks Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012 – 2016) & Forecast (2017 – 2025).”
Growing Preference of Savory Snacks to Bode Well for the Market

IT-Systemhaus LANOS schnürt komplettes Zeiterfassungspaket für Maschinenbauer und Zulieferer

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IT-Systemhaus LANOS schnürt komplettes Zeiterfassungspaket für Maschinenbauer und Zulieferer
LANOS Geschäftsführer Hans-Jürgen Fockel

Mit ihren komplexen After-Sales-Services und dem Industrie-typischen "Rund-um-die-Uhr"-Service zur Sicherung der Betriebsbereitschaft von Maschinen und Anlagen stellt die Maschinenbau- und Zulieferindustrie hohe Anforderungen an die Zeiterfassung, Zeitbewertung und Gehaltsabrechnung. Sonderzuschläge, Überstunden, Pausenzeiten, Arbeitszeitmodelle, länderspezifische Feiertage, Urlaubsansprüche oder Krankheitstage machen die Zeiterfassung und Abrechnung zu einem komplexen und fehleranfälligen Unterfangen. Um Service-orientierte Industriebetriebe die Verwaltung und Aufbereitung der Zeiterfassungsdaten für die Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung zu erleichtern, bietet der IT-Sourcing- und zertifizierte DATEV-Spezialist LANOS ab sofort ein komplettes, anforderungsgerechtes und aufeinander abgestimmtes Zeiterfassungspaket aus Terminals, Zeiterfassungssoftware, Reporting-Tool und Mobilanwendungen vorerst speziell für DATEV-Umgebungen an.

Global Face Infant Clinical Nutrition Market To Register High Revenue Growth At 6.3% CAGR During 2017 – 2026

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According to a recently developed report of Persistence Market Research, a spectacular rise is envisaged for the global infant clinical nutrition market through the forecast period, 2017 to 2026. Revenues from the market are poised to surpass US$ 31,000 Mn by 2026-end.
Emphasis is Rising to Meet Higher Nutritional & Microbiology Standards of Infant Clinical Nutrition
Infants and toddlers requiring special clinical attention and requirements deserve exceptional nutrition, along with high degree of care in their daily food consumption. With the widespread availability of formulations and ingredients that have gained consumer loyalty globally, emphasis is now being placed on meeting higher nutritional and microbiology standards apropos to infant clinical nutrition. Demand for infant clinical nutrition across the globe has witnessed a substantial rise since the recent past, mainly driven by robust birth rates along with growing disposable incomes of consumers. In addition, the female working population has witnessed proliferation, which in turn has fuelled adoption of nutrition-rich and secure infant food products. Some of the notable developments in the infant clinical nutrition market include hypo-allergenic formulas, growing number of infants with special requirements, and premium quality offerings from prominent companies in the market.

Global Automotive Camera Market to Witness Rapid Development During the Period 2017 – 2025

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Automotive Camera Market: Introduction

The Automotive Camera Market is expected to witness significant growth owing to the increase in demand for drive assistance sensors and aftermarket sales of parking cameras. Automotive cameras are used for various applications in automobiles, especially in passenger vehicles, such as night vision systems, cruiser control systems, etc. Automotive cameras be can installed on the front and rear sides of a vehicle as well as inside it for safety purposes. Externally mounted cameras help in maintaining a safe distance from leading vehicles, identifying pedestrians and avoiding them and tracking road edges. They also provide enhanced night vision using HUD. Internally mounted cameras detect drowsy drivers and set off an alarm and identify the occupant on passenger seat for the proper deployment of an airbag. Furthermore, automotive cameras give better driving experience and enhance the rear and front view of the driver.

Automotive Camera Market: Market Dynamics
