Low Voltage Motors Market trends

Low Voltage Motors Market to Experience Significant Growth during the Forecast Period 2017 to 2022

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In order to cater to the growing demand for consumer and capital goods, manufacturers are adopting advanced technology for fast production. Several manufacturers are integrating low voltage motors with smart sensors to speed up the production rate as it enables end users to record the regular and accurate measurement of the motor’s key condition parameters. For example, ABB, a leading player in the low voltage motors market, launched a new low voltage motor equipped with smart sensor, which is designed to pick up signals from the low voltage motors that helps in recording accurate and regular measurements of the motor. Manufacturers operating in several industries are converting regular low voltage motors to connected and intelligent machines, which enables users to analyse the actual needs rather than on the basis of operating hours and time intervals during the production process. Equipped with smart technology, the low voltage motors enables manufacturers to make predictive analysis based on the data acquired, which can help in reducing the downtime by 70%, extending motor lifetime by 30%, and cutting energy consumption by around 10%.

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