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Commercial Seeds Market Size Projected to Rise Lucratively during 2020

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Food enzymes are biocatalysts, sourced from plants, animals or micro-organisms used to alter the speed of biochemical reactions in foods and beverages. Food enzymes are generally used as food additives to enhance digestibility, texture and shelf life of food and beverages. It has wide application in meat processing, dairy industries, alcoholic beverages, and manufacturing of pre-digested foods. Food enzymes are also used as natural fermentation agent (breaking of large sized molecule of carbohydrates fats and proteins) in various amino-acids and specialty foods.

On the basis of chemical properties, the food enzymes are broadly categorized under four categories namely, carbohydrase (such as amylase, cellulose, pectinase, and lactase), protease, lipase and others. On the basis of end user application, food enzymes market can be broadly classified as, meat, beverages, dairy, bakery and others. Furthermore, on the basis of sources, the market can be categorized under micro-organisms, plants and animals.

Global Conformal Coatings In Electronics Market to Witness Rapid Development During the Period 2020

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Conformal coatings are used to protect electronic components from dust, chemicals, moisture and temperature extremes. There are various coating methods are available by which coating materials can be applied. These methods include brush coating, spray application coating and conformal coating dipping. Brush coating can be applied by flow coating the material onto the board and is usually suitable for low volume application, finishing and repair. Brush is coating is highly subjective in nature and requires skills operator. Spray application coating can be applied with a spray aerosol or dedicated spray booth with spray gun and is usually suitable for low and medium volume processing. Quality of spray application coating is superior as compared to other coating methods and requires skilled operator to complete the process. Conformal coating dipping is highly repeatable process. Conformal coating dipping can be the highest volume technique if the printed circuit board is designed correctly. Coating penetrates everywhere, including under devices and therefore to prevent leakage, masking must be required. Therefore, many printed circuit boards are unsuitable dipping due to design. Conformal coating materials selection is a crucial part that needs to be considered carefully and in relation to the application method. The wrong selection of conformal coating can hamper the long term reliability of circuit boards and can cause massive difficulties with both processing and costs.

Food Enzymes Market to Record an Exponential CAGR by 2020

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Food enzymes are biocatalysts, sourced from plants, animals or micro-organisms used to alter the speed of biochemical reactions in foods and beverages. Food enzymes are generally used as food additives to enhance digestibility, texture and shelf life of food and beverages. It has wide application in meat processing, dairy industries, alcoholic beverages, and manufacturing of pre-digested foods. Food enzymes are also used as natural fermentation agent (breaking of large sized molecule of carbohydrates fats and proteins) in various amino-acids and specialty foods.

On the basis of chemical properties, the food enzymes are broadly categorized under four categories namely, carbohydrase (such as amylase, cellulose, pectinase, and lactase), protease, lipase and others. On the basis of end user application, food enzymes market can be broadly classified as, meat, beverages, dairy, bakery and others. Furthermore, on the basis of sources, the market can be categorized under micro-organisms, plants and animals.

Explosives Fondue: Bei Fettbrand ist Wasser tabu

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Wiesbaden, 18. Dezember 2018. In vielen Haushalten kommt an Weihnachten oder Silvester ein Fondue auf den Tisch. Doch das Festessen kann schnell im Krankenhaus enden, wenn sich das heiße Fett selbst entzündet. Wird dieser Brand mit Wasser gelöscht, besteht Explosionsgefahr mit meterhohen Stichflammen, warnt das R+V-Infocenter.

Fett nur unter Aufsicht erhitzen
Die Gäste sind da, der Gastgeber versorgt sie mit Getränken und erwärmt nebenbei den Fonduetopf: Da ist es schnell passiert, dass das Fett zu heiß wird. "Dann kann es ganz ohne Zündquelle in Brand geraten", sagt Jan Hohmann, Brandschutzingenieur bei der R+V Versicherung. Schwere Verletzungen oder Wohnungsbrände sind die Folge. Er rät deshalb, Fett niemals unbeaufsichtigt auf Herd oder Stövchen stehen zu lassen und die Temperatur im Auge zu behalten.

Piezoelectric Motors Market Valued at US$ 2 Billion in 2018, with Micro Positioning Stages Occupying 40% Share

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The piezoelectric motor market is likely to witness moderate growth, with global demand surpassing 2,000 million units in 2018. Small, compact, and greater torque and force are the key factors driving demand for piezoelectric motors.

With the development of new devices and equipment in various industries, the application of piezoelectric motors has increased in the micro positioning stages in various industries. The demand is growing in manufacturing process control, camera autofocus, semiconductor test equipment, robotic positioning, point level sensors, and ultrasonic cleaners.

Increasing interest in the miniaturizing positioning systems for improving accuracy id is driving the demand for piezoelectric motors. In particular, linear stepper piezoelectric motor is finding large application in the high degree of miniaturization design requirements.

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Global Chiral Chromatography Columns Market to Witness Rapid Development During the Period 2020

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Chiral chromatography column is a variant of column chromatography in which the stationary phase contains a single enantiomer of a chiral compound rather than being achiral. In the recent year, due to the technological advancements in the chiral chromatography columns market has led to an increase in the application areas of chiral chromatography columns. For instance, chiral chromatography columns are widely used in different industries such as food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, environmental testing and others. The chiral chromatography columns market is segmented on the basis of materials into plastic, glass and metals. The chiral chromatography columns market can be segmented on the basis of application into liquid chromatography systems, gas chromatography systems, supercritical fluid chromatography systems and thin-layer chromatography systems. The chiral chromatography columns market can be segmented on the basis of end-users into pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverages, hospitals and others. The liquid chromatography system is the fastest growing segment of the chiral chromatography columns market.

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Auslandspraktikum: wozu braucht man es?

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Wer nach dem Abitur nicht direkt weiß, wie er seine berufliche Zukunft gestalten soll, kann seinen Lebenslauf mit einem Praktikum aufpeppen. Dieses absolviert man idealerweise im Ausland. Ein Auslandspraktikum ist zwar allgemein teurer - es fallen Kosten für die Wohnung etc. an -, hat gegenüber den Praktikumsstellen in Deutschland aber auch viele Vorteile. So sammelt man beim Aufenthalt in einem anderen Land nicht nur Berufserfahrungen und Fremdsprachenkenntnisse, sondern lernt zudem eine neue Kultur kennen. Des Weiteren formt ein Auslandspraktikum den Charakter und man macht viele persönliche Erfahrungen, die von Bedeutung für das weitere Leben sind.

Dieser Artikel befasst sich ausführlich mit dem Thema Praktikum im Ausland. Zunächst wird auf die vielfältigen Gründe eingegangen, die für die Bewerbung im Ausland sprechen, ehe der Text wichtige Hinweise zur Organisation des Praktikums gibt. Aber wie findet man eigentlich eine geeignete Stelle? Auch diese Frage wird im Rahmen des Beitrags beantwortet.
Tipp: Selbstverständlich profitieren nicht nur Abiturienten von einem Auslandspraktikum. Auch für Studenten, Fachleute und Menschen mit unsicherem Berufsweg kann eine solche internationale Erfahrung eine wahre Bereicherung sein.

Praktikum im Ausland – kulturelle Eindrücke sammeln und die eigenen Fähigkeiten verbessern

Global Marine Ports Services Market to Witness Rapid Development During the Period 2020

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Marine ports and services market offers safety and security amenities, infrastructure development and enhance services, such as vessel traffic service, emergency services, and vessel bookings and cancellation services. Marine ports and services also provide reliable and safe movement of cargo and passenger vessels. It provides abrupt responses to safety and environmental concern associated with marine vessel of all class such as liquid cargo, dry bulk cargo and tourism or passenger ships.

On the basis of the various services provided by the marine port and services, the market can be broadly categorized under four segments namely port development and consultancy, port and harbor operation, commercial shipping services and tools services.

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According to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in 2013, 80 per cent of global commodities trade was carried through waterways. The trade competitiveness of all developing and developed countries depends largely on their infrastructure of shipping services and inter-port conectivity.

Automotive HVAC Market to Register Steady Growth During 2020

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HVAC stands for heating, ventilation (replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality) and air conditioning (altering the properties of air to make the indoor air more comfortable). Ventilation is the process which includes both the exchange of air to the outside as well as circulation of air within the space. HVAC is a technology that provides indoor and vehicular environmental comfort.  Automotive HVAC system’s main purpose is to provide thermal and acceptable air condition within the vehicle. 


Present generation vehicles are equipped with many innovative technologies which differ in functions performed, cost and application. These features make the vehicle more comfortable for the traveler.  Global Automotive HVAC market can be divided on the bases of vehicle type (passenger cars, LCVs (light commercial vehicles) and HCVs (heavy commercial vehicle) and technology component (automatic and manual). Passenger cars dominate the global automotive HVAC market due to increasing demand for private vehicles. In case of technology, automatic technology dominates over manual technology.

Robbie Williams ist neuer Markenbotschafter von WW

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Robbie Williams ist neuer Markenbotschafter von WW
Pop-Ikone Robbie Williams hinter den Kulissen als neuer globaler Markenbotschafter von WW

Die Kampagne "For Every Body" startet global am 26. Dezember 2018 und stellt den positiven Effekt eines gesünderen Lebensstils in den Mittelpunkt

NEW YORK/Düsseldorf, 17. Dezember 2018 - WW (ehemals Weight Watchers / NASDAQ: WTW) hat heute Robbie Williams als neuen globalen Markenbotschafter vorgestellt. Die internationale Pop-Ikone wird neben Oprah Winfrey und anderen WW Teilnehmern in der integrierten Kampagne "For Every Body" des Unternehmens auftreten. Robbie Williams wird seine WW Wellness-Reise auf seinen Social-Media-Kanälen teilen und seine Follower ermutigen, ihre ganz persönlichen Gründe für ein gesünderes Jahr 2019 mit #MyWhy zu teilen.
